Game Development
You can come here to find general game updates or notable changes from the main shiptest codebase.
Check back regularly if you're interested in following development or simply want to know what's changed since your last visit.
If you are comfortable with DM or want to learn - feel free to help out!
Current Plans / Hopes for the future
Salvaged alternatives to faction specific ships
More races - Notably plant people (diona) and Vulp/Tajaran equivalents
More unique ships with dedicated purposes
Natural spawn events - examples of these may Boss-ruins or Wrecked ships that central command would announce the presence of to draw a crowd
Rework bounty system to be usable by anyone and not give obscene amounts of money
Ammo Reloading Machine - quick and easy reloading without having to drop all your bullets on the ground like a silly goose
December 2023
January 2024
In late December the server was started for the first time - major changes include over 80 configuration changes and basic setup tasks.
January has just begun! So far we have added Screenless IPC's and worked in unison with another server to port some basic admin functions from paradise station to main shiptest.